Ways To Grow
We value Real Relationships!
Small Groups - We believe we are BETTER together. Small groups provide a place for community, an opportunity to grow, to have fun, and to have transparent communication.
Discipleship - People often view “discipleship” as something rigid, but Jesus made disciples (followers) by establishing relational moments. The bottomline is, it’s impossible to have effective discipleship without authentic relationship. As believers, we strive to live more like Christ, but we don’t always know where to begin. To help you grow in your journey with Christ, we offer “Relational Discipleship” classes.
Leadership Development - As development is critical to the natural body, so it is to the spiritual body as well. We believe that the Body of Christ should be able to lead not just within the walls of the church building, but in the 7 Mountains of Influence (Media, Gov’t, Education, Economy, Family, Religion, Entertainment) as well. To truly advance the Kingdom of God, we need leaders. This is for those who desire to grow in their leadership ability and gifts.